Thursday, October 22, 2009

Things don't always go your way.

Like in the way of jobs. I made a joke at rehearsal last night that the only place hiring pregnant women was Arizona Jewish Theater. My stage mananger laughed. That and I'm so tired all the time because I'm pregnant and in the process of creating a human being. That just takes a toll.

James is being so wonderfully supporive. I don't know what I would do without him. I cry and complain that I'm not good at anything and he just looks at me in shock. He then goes on to tell me that I am the most intellegent, loving and beautiful person that he has ever met, and that he knows I can do anything and he can't wait till I know it too. That he's so proud and he couldn't have asked for a better woman to be the mother of his children.

That helps. A lot in fact. I've got a lot of pride when it comes to doing things myself and taking care of myself. The fact that I have been having a hard time of it lately hurts me. And I feel that I am failing to a degree.

Anyway. Everything else is great! Rehearsals for Fool's are so much fun! We haven't even completed the first two weeks and we have the whole thing blocked! Now, we're just running scenes and being nit picky! The cast is great fun to be around and the fast pace of the show and the silly things that happen cause a lot of cracking up and swearing to come out as we jump right back to where we were before everything got derailed!

I'm really impressed with how the cast is working with the director and how far we've all come. I've never felt a production come together so quickly before! It's been a wonderful experience.

Baby Aidan is moving around like crazy at times and it's wonderful to feel him. He loves to be read to already, and still enjoys jumping on my bladder. All the time.

I'll be having lunch with my sister tomorrow and then she's being awesome and helping me move the last of my stuff out of my old place. They need to get that room rented out. The biggest problem I have, is that I have no where to put it all. My parents have no room and I don't know anyone that does. I can't even get someone to help me by loaning a truck. It's pretty lame.

But, everything will work out. I'm going to drop an application off at Starbucks on Saturday and I'm praying that I will at least be called for an interview.

Things will turn around. And everything will work out. I know and trust that.

Monday, October 19, 2009


So, my son is an Edgar Allan Poe fan. Which I find awesome and a little creepy. I mean Aidan goes crazy when James is performing The Tell Tale Heart and I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
Still, I like that he seems to like the classics. I've started reading the complete poems of Edgar Allan Poe out loud and he seems to start moving around. It's pretty sweet! I love it!
I can't wait to start reading other stories! I bought a copy of the Just So Stories and the Canterbury Tales. I'm really looking forward to reading to him. I love it!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Baby Boy!

Yes! That is what James and I are expecting! We already have the name Adian James for our son and we couldn't be happier!

Everyone kept asking us what we wanted to have and what we thought, a lot of people had opinions of what we were going to have, but James and I didn't care.

Didn't care about what we were going have! Out thinking has always been that as long as the baby is healthy we don't care! We have been so delighted at the prospect of becoming a family that we have no preference! If we have a daughter, wonderful! If we have a son, wonderful! We've just been so overwhelmed that we can even have a child that knowing we have one on the way has been the greatest joy!

And our son, is just going to be loved! I'm going to make sure he knows how to climb trees and James is going to make sure that he becomes a good man, of course I'll have part in that as well, but the biggest thing, is James and I working together to ensure that our son knows that no matter what happens in life, he has two parents who love him. Thats really the most important thing I want my children to know. If they learn nothing else in life, I want them to know without any doubt that they are loved by their parents! And they will be!

And as soon as I figure out how to put pictures on this thing, I'll post those!